Mistakes New Parents Make With Newborns
All parents make mistakes. Can't believe it? Just think of your parents. You will no doubt have a laundry list of their wrongdoings. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with that - especially for new parents. But if you know the ten most common parenting mistakes, you may be able to stop them from doing it yourself. So here they are, as well as tips to help you avoid making it.
New-parent mistake No. 1: Panicking over anything and everything.
Leon Huffman, director of the Pacella Parenting Nerd, Center in New York, says, "Many new parents have discussed the physical reactions to spitting, vomiting and other things."
Huffman says parents can waste a whole year of their child's life worrying about small things. Are her bowels moving too little or too little? Is she spitting a lot? Is she getting enough to eat or very little, and does he cry too much or not enough? Any of this sound familiar to you?
New-parent mistake No. 2: Not letting your infant cry it out.
We, as parents, think our job is to form sure the baby isn't crying," said Jennifer Walker, RN, the children's nurse.
Babies are designed to cry. They can be fully diaper-fed and still cry as if you are pulling an arm." Because that's how children communicate, that doesn't mean you can't comfort them.
For the most part, crying is just one part of having a baby. But if your child is unresponsive for an hour and has a fever, rash, vomiting, swollen stomach, or something unusual, call your pediatrician as soon as possible. You know your child better. If you think something is not right, always consult your doctor.
New-parent mistake No. 3: Waking your baby up to breastfeed.
Breastfed babies can sleep through the night - and should," says Walker. But there is a common misconception that breast milk is not thick enough for a baby to get at night. But it is possible and beneficial for breastfeeding babies. - And his mother - to sleep through the night. "
New-parent mistake No. 4: Confusing spit-up and vomit.
The difference [between saliva and inversion] is frequency, not force. Saliva can fly in a room," says Walker. But vomiting is about frequency. On the other hand, spitting is usually related to feeding.
New-parent mistake No. 5: Not sweating a fever in a newborn.
A fever over 100.4 in the first three months of a child's life is an emergency," Walker said.
Few parents can just say 'he feels hot' and give the child Tylenol," says Walker. "But it is the parents' fault during this age bracket." Newborns don't have a system to handle the infection on their own. "
If your baby feels hot, adjust the temperature appropriately. If the temperature is above 100.4, call your pediatrician right away.
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