Online Assessment for Development
The UAE is committed to integrating technology into higher education. In this study, researchers aim to find perspectives on online surveys of university students. Understanding students' perspectives can help identify barriers and promoters in accepting online assessments at the undergraduate level.
Socio-constructive physics has been used in this qualitative study to understand students' preferences, concerns, and acceptance of online assessments. Use convenience and snowball sampling methods, semi-structured focus group discussions were held after the university recruited 41 students. Thematic content analysis was applied to the data.
The study highlighted that students did not understand the need for developing assessment (ontwikkel assessment). Concerns about students' and teachers' technical incompetence were highlighted with a lack of confidence in the technology infrastructure.
Students felt that online assessment was a restriction for science courses and resulted in a drop in grades. Probably because of the growing reliance on multiple-choice questions. Students also expressed the importance of constructive, timely, and personal feedback. Students need to be convinced of the usefulness of transfer in online assessment before agreeing to it.
It is clear from this study that student acceptance will increase with the gradual transition to technical assessment and online assessment for both students and teachers. Active individual interaction with teachers is important for students, and priorities and concerns should be addressed by students so that online assessment can be successfully integrated into higher education.
Education is not just about imparting knowledge; How students acquire knowledge can be explained through social construction theory. Besides learning, a student is greatly influenced by sociocultural stimuli, past knowledge, emotional beliefs, values, and attitudes (Ambrose et al. 2010).
When students can relate to the learning activity and relate to the supportive learning environment around it, they gain the essential to success. In the UAE, students attach great importance to relationships and social interactions while learning. Moving towards online education reduces human interaction, which can hinder the transition to incorporating technology in education (Free mouth and Charles 2014).
It is important that students' views on changes in educational techniques be seriously considered to ensure a smooth and successful transition. If students' ideas are lost, technical measures taken to solve education problems may end up being the "best" solution (Laviard 2008).
Literature Review:
A review of the benefits of the literature seen with the change in online assessments includes a reduction in papers and a reduction in security concerns for the transportation of test papers. Online tests provide students with additional flexibility in the timing and location of the test and provide feedback to students.
In another context, provided by a principal at an elementary school in Georgia, online assessment reflects the transition experience (Ogle try et al. 2014). Although the literature suggests that the assessment format will not affect students' scores, there is concern about comparing similar tests taken in different formats. The level of preparation of students with the quality of the exam, the way they take it ultimately affects their grades (Geertz 2013)
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